Iranian foreign minister Javad Zarif in the 4th edition of Mediterranean Dialogues (MED 2018):he Mediterranean Dialogues (MED)…
Faezeh TajabiJune 14, 2019

****** update 2020-01-21 Good News! According to Ali Mounesan, the Head of the Cultural Heritage,…
Faezeh TajabiJune 14, 2019

The Spanish Federation of Journalists and Writers of Tourism has gifted the certificate of appreciation…
Faezeh TajabiJune 14, 2019

China and Oman : Free Visa Countries List for Iran The Head of Cultural Heritage,…
Faezeh TajabiJune 14, 2019

On a message to the Head of the Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization of Iran, the Secretary…
Faezeh TajabiJune 14, 2019

UK Citizens’ Trip to Iran and Expansion of Iran-Britain Relationship in Tourism Industry Meeting the Ambassador…
Faezeh TajabiJune 14, 2019

The First Festival on the Rapport between Yalda and Christmas in Iran 25th of December,…
Faezeh TajabiJune 14, 2019

In December 18th, the American business magazine of Forbes Published an article about the 38 cheapest places…
Faezeh TajabiJune 14, 2019