I am Simin. I am a travel lover who travels a lot and likes to make connections with other nations and cultures.

Today I’m going to tell you the story of one of my Singaporean friends whom I saw on Fadak Train when I was coming back from Mashhad to Tehran.

When I saw Cheri, she was accompanied by her Iranian husband and their son. It was her second trip to Iran after getting married with her Iranian husband (I will tell you her interesting story of marriage in my next post).

She was just coming back from Mashhad after passing the Yalda Night with her husband’s family.

She told me her interesting experience of the gathering at Yalda Night, eating lots of delicious foods and chit chatting with family, which is all Yalda Night is about. She mentioned that the highlight of Yalda Night for her was the gathering of family in a warm and colorful atmosphere which is also a tradition in China when the New Year comes.

Just like the Chinese New Year, the  Christmas and its similarities with Yalda Night is also worth attention as these instances reveal the fact that nations of different cultures have much more in common than what is generally known.

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